If a child is absent from school, we ask that the parent/carer notify the school by phone on the school's main phone line so the class teachers and school administration are aware of the child’s absence. If the phone is not answered, you will be asked to leave a message. These messages will be checked each morning before school starts.
It is preferable for parents or carers to phone on the day of the absence. If you have not notified the office by phone re: an absence, your child’s absence will be marked on the class roll as “unexplained” for Department of Education purposes and you will be contacted by text to respond to the absence.
If you know in advance that your child will be away for medical and or therapy appointments please inform the office of the planned dates and times that your child will not be at school.
If your child misses more than 2 hours at the beginning or end of the school day, it is classed as a ½ day absence.
It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the bus service or the taxi service if your child is not attending school.